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...Pathway opening soon...

~Walking the Autumn Path~

The Revealing of the Wise Woman (through peri/Menopause)


Let’s reclaim and remember the powerful rite of passage of peri/Menopause as an opportunity for an initiation into a grand re-imagining of who we are and how we are here to authentically serve ourselves and our communities.


An addition to the Triple Goddess Maiden/Mother/Crone life stages serves us here: If Maiden is Spring, Mother is Summer & Crone the Winter of our lives – then the Autumn life stage offers us the archetype of the Wise Woman, the Maga, or the Queen. Autumn comes with a great letting go, a death, a composting of what was, to nurture good soil for what will be.


What could this time of life mean for us as a rite of passage?


How do we navigate spiritually and emotionally through this time?


When we are aware of the possibility of emotions like grief and rage surfacing, how could we look to what we experience as a guide towards transformation?


How could we harness the life-force energy no longer required for the possibility of creating biological life... what could we create with that freed-up potency?


This is a life stage we cannot ignore, we will be called over and over to see what needs to be transformed to move forward and create anew.

Let’s walk this path with a fierce curiosity of how our lives can unfold in the honouring of this rite of passage.

 (This exploration is aimed towards women who are preparing for or moving through peri/menopause, or are post menopause and feel called to explore what they may not have already; and simply the curious. Peri-menopause changes can begin for women's in their 30's & 40's, and menopause is reached when there has not been a bleed for year or more.

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